Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Britney's visit

Well, I think this is all very silly because after all, she is just another person going to the temple for a visit. But still, it is sort of fun...and Narasimha's complete disinterest is amusing, although when I told him that her personal fortune was about $150 million, he was pretty impressed with such success. Singers and actors in India are celebrities but have nowhere near that kind of wealth, and certainly not at such a young age.

In the photo above Narasimha is explaining to her the Vishnu/Lakshmi/Bhoomi Devi puja that was taking place. Next to Narasimha is Krishnamacharya, the 2nd Chief Priest of the temple (who didn't know her either!).

She toured the entire temple complex leaving either impressed or confused temple visitors in her wake! People either recognized her immediately or not at all which was pretty amusing.

In the main Balaji temple they put up a cloth as a screen so she could have some privacy during her puja.

She was very sweet to Narasimha whom she seemed to enjoy. She clearly felt the blessings and peacefulness of her pujas, and promised to come back again soon.