March is the month of Vasant Navaratri - the spring-time celebration of the divine feminine. The group sponsored a special Chandi Homam (fire yagya) in both North India, Varanasi, and South India, Kanchipuram on Monday, March 26th.
In Varansi,the yagya was held at a beautiful Durga temple in the Ramnagar Fort across the Ganges from the main city. The fort itself is abandoned but the temple is still in use.
The introductory pujas were performed in a shaded area in front of the temple.
Final puja offerings of flowers.
In the most traditional style of yagya performance, the fire must be started without the use of matches...friction must be used! Here you see the priests starting the fire.
Soon the yagya fire is roaring and offerings are being made.
This portion of the yagya is being performed in a portico in front of and under the main temple.
Final offerings are being made into the yagya fire.
I have always been impressed with the sincerity of the priests as they offer their prayers for the well-being of the yagya sponsors and the world at-large.
Final aarti (puja) being performed with the yagya fire visible on the lower level and the temple above it.