Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Sudarshana/Narasimha Temple Yagya - Kanchipuram - Dec 2005

This month, our temple yagya took place in a lovely small Vishnu temple; another of the small traditional temples in the area around Kanchipuram. Here, a few of our priests are standing in front of the temple walls.

The temple itself features many fine carvings around the various temple buildings.

The temple honors Narasimha; the fiercest form of Vishnu who is particularly protective of families. Here he is shown represented as having the body of a man, and the head of a lion. Sitting on his lap is Lakshmi who comes to calm him after he destroys the demon king Hiryankashipu.

The temple deity is shown here and you may be able to make out his eyes, mane, round cheeks, and hands in this photo.

Narasimha is always honored with Sudarshana; Vishnu's weapon in the form of a flaming discuss. In this photo you see Sudarshan personified with a face and body surrounded by many arms and a large circle of flames.

The abishekam yagya begins with pouring milk over the deity.

After a series of ingredients; oil, yogurt, honey, milk, turmeric, etc. The murti is bathed in cooling scented sandalwood.

Finally, the deity is dried and dressed in a new dhoti and beautiful flower malas.

The final puja includes the offering of camphor flame and chanting of vedic hymns.

To conclude the day, fresh decorations and flower malas are provided in the main temple where here we see the more usual form of Vishnu with Lakshmi on his right, and Bhoomi Devi on his left.